Using Token2 Security Keys with GoDaddy

• Access to the GoDaddy account
• A Token2 FIDO security key.
• Admin access to enable security keys (not required if security keys are already enabled)
• Modern browsers support security keys.
Enable the 2FA method
1) Log in to the GoDaddy account and click on 'Account Settings'.
2) From the drop-down menu click on 'Login & Pin'.

3) Go to the '2-Step Verification' block and click on the 'Add Verification' button.

4) From the verification methods, choose 'Security key' and click 'Next'.

5) Click 'Next' again and insert the security key.

6) GoDaddy will start to identify the inserted security key. If you have set up a PIN code on it, you will be prompted to type it.

7) Then you will be prompted to press the button on the security key to complete registration.
Note: Security keys differ in the exact instructions to activate them. Your key may require a tap or button press to activate registration.
Provide a name for the security key. This will help you manage your security keys.

8) When the registration of the security key is completed, GoDaddy will ask to add a backup method. It will be useful in case the primary device is lost.

9) Now you have successfully enabled the Token2 FIDO Security Key to protect your account. You will be prompted for the security key each time you log in to your GoDaddy account after entering the password.
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